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Full Version: Mining containers not working?
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I never had problems with the mining during the last months, but today I couldn't deploy the containers in the field. Script failure?
More details please. Exact location, did you successfully used it there before, did it go away on relog?
(05-11-2024, 10:38 AM)Aingar Wrote: [ -> ]More details please. Exact location, did you successfully used it there before, did it go away on relog?

Hi, tried it with different ships (that all have container-mined for days or even months) on different accounts in the fields of Dublin, Tau23 and Sigma15 and basically it says "cargo jettisoned", but the container stays in the hold and nothing happens. Message "not in a mining field" correctly appears when not in a mining field.

PS: Just tried it in Dublin, seems to work again...