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Full Version: Can't connect to the game
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Hey (this is the first time im using the support channel)

I cant logged in to the server.

below are steppes i used

1. Game is opened - ok
2. Clicked Multiplayer - ok
3. Connect to the server - ok
4. i can see all my ships(Characters i guess) and when i select any of them its trying to loading - this keep loading and come back to the character menu.

any idea?

my ping is 200(its like this always)
internet is fine.

Let me know please.
Thank you,
If you can provide some character names, your account can be checked by an admin.
(08-01-2024, 07:40 PM)Mephistoles Wrote: [ -> ]If you can provide some character names, your account can be checked by an admin.

this problem was resolved. i think it might be a temp issue.
It usually happens if your network is unstable or sluggish. Try restarting the router.
Try disconnecting the network and reconnecting.