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Full Version: Returning after a few years
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Hello everyone.

I'm returning after another hiatus (no-one ever truly leaves!). Most of my time back in the day was playing under Platinum| & LR- but I also did a little bit of GC & Republican Shipping. I don't plan on flying with any factions anytime soon, just want to explore the updated universe as a Freelancer to begin with and take it from there.

You may see me flying under Iris.Lurechia or another similiar form, anybody is always welcome to say hi.

I have a question though, do any of the restarts offer a character with a completely blank map? I rather enjoy visiting all the stations and discovering every pirate base, jump hole etc all by myself. It's a very time consuming task doing that with no basic map information but I would enjoy it nonetheless. If however all the restarts now come complete with basic map information then nevermind, I'll make do.

Hope you're all having a good day, see you in space!
Hi, welcome back!

I think there is still a classic restart that drops you in a Starflyer with a blank map, for that authentic "straight out the FP7 lifeboat" experience.
Hi jammi (lovely to see a name I still recognise!)

Yep you're absolutely right, I skimmed over the "Classic" restarts when checking the list out. Tried ClassicLi and it was exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks very much!!
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Welcome back to Discovery.

If you need a hand jumping back into things, I can be found somewhere around here Smile
Welcome back.