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Full Version: Looking for people ready to turn Alliance into something worth while.
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For some time now a rather radical idea for one of the most unloved factions of Sirius was following me. I finally decided to put my thoughts on paper.

Here's the writeup.

Would anyone be interested in launching this? What are your thoughts?
Very interesting writeup. How does this group approach the FA's absorption of the LWB, and the currently deteriorating relationship that is likely to imminently end in disaster?
(09-07-2024, 11:32 AM)jammi Wrote: [ -> ]Very interesting writeup. How does this group approach the FA's absorption of the LWB, and the currently deteriorating relationship that is likely to imminently end in disaster?


Thank you. To the Second Generation, the way FA current leadership handled the absorption of LWB was the final straw that broke the camel's back, and convinced the Second Generation to go their own way. The absorption was a chance of internationalization of the movement, to gain invaluable allies outside Kusari, supplies, logistics, etc. Possibility to expand their operations. Instead, Elders just used the group not for even their own gains, but for Samura's.

In short "Elders blew it again".

Second generation isn't as Kusari-centric as the regular lot, referred here as The Elders. Elders want protectionism. Period. They are happy cultivating their overpriced rice under the protection of Samura. Nisei aren't disgruntled farmers. What second generation cares about is their philosophy.
They believe they share more viewpoints with "those filthy outlanders" than with their own people. The would likely help the LWB members in whatever help they would need, with hopes of fixing the damage The Elders did and spreading their twisted world view.
Very interesting write up. I hope you can make something of it. FA is one of the best, most under appreciated factions in the game. Kudos to you for trying to work it.
That sounds really fun and increĆ­ble make it reality and i will be pleased to join your lines for the good sake of FA's Big Grin
Your writeup seems very interesting, and I wish you luck moving forward with it. Seeing a FA group that isn't going tto be played as complete stooges employed by Samura is a good path to go along, particularly since the whole "Samura runs almost everything in Kusari" angle is already very overplayed. The only thing that leaps out at me to suggest is that you might want to look at having the group be based out of Kamisu Hideout from an inRP perspective, as it would fit much more with your second generation backstory if the group wasn't based out of the movement's historical home at Kagoshima.
Thank you!

Quote:The only thing that leaps out at me to suggest is that you might want to look at having the group be based out of Kamisu Hideout from an inRP perspective, as it would fit much more with your second generation backstory if the group wasn't based out of the movement's historical home at Kagoshima.

I like this idea a lot! That angle goes excelently with the nature of that group.
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The idea is great, I could See Orbital Secretly Supporting the Alliance to keep SynthFoods out of the Luxury Food Market. I mean we have a Standing Policy against Synth Paste on Orbital Ships and Planets.
Writeup has been updated to include given suggestions.