Pilots from Bounty Hunters Guild are pre-approved if flying BHG ship
This is the channel where you must register to be eligible to collect bounties from the Liberty Bounty Board. In order to do so, you must provide: • Your full name. • Your exact callsign.
•[In the case of groups] A common tag that your ships wear.
• Visual evidence of your identification papers. • Visual evidence of your friendly standing with Liberty Navy, Liberty Police, Ageira Technologies, Deep Space Engineering and Universal Shipping. • Visual evidence of your hostile standing towards the bounty targets.
All this information is required in order for your application to be an approved contractor to be accepted. Freelancers or Bounty Hunters ( who wish to fly non-BHG ships) must use the following template to register:
Notes: As far as I am aware by reading your laws, the weaponry I currently employ is not prohibited by the Liberty Bounty authorities such as yourself.
Comm-ID: The Plastisk Imperium
Location: Unknown
Destination: Bounty Board Registration Office, Department of Defense, Republic of Liberty
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
the Plastisk Imperium is a newly founded company focusing on efficient problem solutions in space. All of our pilots are being identified as mercenaries. All of our equipment is based on the civilian or Borderworld production lines. Our individual reputations with the lawful bodies of Liberty are at least neutral. All of our pilots are strictly bound to a lawful code of conduct within liberty.
Name:Mabrom Dalix
Callsign:Suffix "|PSX"
On behalf of company:The Plastisk Imperium
Visual evidence of affiliation:
Visual evidence of reputation:
Pilot #1
Pilot #2
Pilot #3
Pilot #4
We are not interested to reveal more at this time, especially anything concerning the identities of our pilots, but we hope the displayed data suffices your need for authenticity of your contractors.
First of all I congratulate you for your enthusiasm you display in applying on our new Contract Board promptly. The saying does go; The early bird catches the worm.
I am pleased to announce that The Plastisk Imperium, Richard Black, Sonja Kerensky, Thor Vorrison and Yoko Mori have been accepted onto our contractors list.
I am pleased to announce that Joseph Graham and Alyssa Graham have been accepted onto our contractors list.
The pilot of the vessel of Any.Colour.You.Like, your weapon load-out concerns us a great deal, and seeing as you only have one Liberty Corporation or Force in your friendly range we require you to become a little more friendly in our neck of the woods. We expect you to have in the green zone not only Ageira, but Universal Shipping, Deep Space Engineering, Liberty Police and the Liberty Navy displayed. We also require a name of the pilot to ensure we are dealing with Liberties best interests.